Both women and men want to have that beautiful skin like peach skin not is?
Why is n we often lack time and money to go to a good beautician, then another one the opc ã ã ã s we have the homemade recipes that besides being much cheaper to go natural, poEC or need to leave home s results and the rewarding!
With the help of my beautiful Renata Ponzoni separated some masks to tha vo to one recovered on your skin.
Tensor mask to leave skin firmer
- 1 egg white
- 2 tablespoons of yogurt
Mix the ingredients well and apply on face and neck. Let sit for about 15 minutes. Remove the mask with a face cream to your skin type when sliding your fingers towards the base of the ears and scalp in upward movements.
Egg whites are high in protein and collagen, the ingredient responsible for skin firmness and elasticity. You can apply this homemade mask once a week.
* Recipe developed by Julian Neiva, the Brazilian Society of Dermatology.
Mask for firming the skin of the face
- 2 Geleatina Colorless Dried Leaves
- 2 drops of sesame oil
Leaf gelatin dissolves a colorless dehydrated in a cup of warm water and set aside. Smear their fingers with two drops of sesame oil and give the entire face pinches light to activate the circulation. Cut strips from another sheet of gelatin place on the Chinese mustache, forehead and cheeks. Use the contents of the cup to moisten the face and form a mask. Let it dry for ten minutes and rinse.
* The gelatin helps to retain more water within the cells and improves their performance. It also makes a lifting effect "Cinderella," says the beautician Roseli Smith . Repeat once a week.
Skin rejuvenating
- 2 tablespoons of green clay
- 1 tablespoon of powdered collagen
- 1 tablespoon of olive powder
- 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
- 4 red grapes
- 1 teaspoon of powdered ginseng
- 2 tablespoons plain yogurt
Mix everything until it becomes a mud, going on all over face and neck, leave it for an hour and remove with cold water. Doing this procedure two times a week.
- Green clay, has the power to remove dead skin cells, nourish, moisturize, tone, improve blood circulation, disguises wrinkles and also helps to relax the muscles of the face.
- Collagen: helps in the formation of fibers that give the skin support and contribution in building muscle.
- Oliveira Powder: reduces blood pressure and increases blood flow by relaxing the arteries.
- Cocoa powder: it is rich in lanolin - great for dry skin
- Red grapes: it is rich in resveratrol, a natural antibiotic has the ability to fight free radicals. helping to slow the skin aging
- Ginseng powder, is used to improve the state of stress and fatigue due to their properties called "adaptogenic".
- Yogurt: Besides the proteins of the fat yogurt make a film that protects the skin, ensuring hydration surface.
Mask for dry skin recover
- Very ripe bananas (the amount will depend on which body part will pass)
- Honey (2 tablespoons for each banana)
Mash the bananas well and then put the honey. Mix it well and apply the cream around the desired part of the body. Let sit for half hour and then take off the mask with warm water and soap that you used. Finally put the moisturizer.
* This mask is super nutritious and will give the vitamins and minerals necessary that your skin needs. In addition it also helps take the redness of the skin, as soft mask, you can use it three times each week without fear of damaging the skin.
Some care should be taken:
- Always use fresh ingredients and, where possible, organic;
- Do not re-use leftover masks;
- Prefer porcelain and glass utensils, avoid using metal (including spoons);
- Apply the mask on clean, exfoliated skin, avoiding the eyes and lips;
- Before applying a homemade mask is a good idea to compress ten minutes with chamomile tea ice cream.Helps soothe your skin and makes the active ingredients of the masks to act better. In addition, chamomile helps combat fatigue and the appearance of dark circles;
- While wearing a mask to rest and relax;
- Then it is advisable to apply a light moisturizer, not greasy;
- Do not apply a mask on the same day shaved body parts;
- Most importantly, keep in mind that any treatment applied to your body should be in accordance with their needs, each body responds differently.
For tips on skin exfoliation access: scrub the whole body
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